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The Central Technical Education Centre (TBZ Mitte) was founded in the year 2000. Due to its variety of different education programmes, the TBZ Mitte  is Bremen’s most efficient school with a technical profile.

With the expertise of more than 100 teachers and master instructors we possess a broad educational, career-related and general know-how. We combine vocational training and general education for your benefit. With our range of courses we will support you with your future education.

The Central Technical Education Centre (TBZ Mitte) provides:

  • full-time courses to prepare for a vocational training
  • part-time education as part of a dual vocational training
  • full-time education preparing for higher education as well as additional further training courses.

The education programmes offered by the TBZ Mitte are currently used by more than 2,500 students. Among them are approximately 2,000 trainees who attend the TBZ Mitte as their vocational school within their dual vocational training at a training company.

Since the school year of 2010/2011 the TBZ Mitte has become Bremen’s central educational institution for all industrial electrical and metal-working occupations. The industrial production technology of various fields is the focus of the school’s technical profile. Moreover, all the training occupations in the field of automation and transportation engineering available in Bremen have found their home at the TBZ Mitte.

Due to our diverse contacts within the corporate world we are able to offer practice-based learning opportunities to the students of all our education programmes. Additionally, our cooperation with further partners inside and outside of Bremen helps us with our work.

Despite the variety and the extent of our offers, the individual learner is the focus of our work.

The TBZ Mitte is located in close proximity to Bremen’s historical city centre and is easily accessible from all directions by public transport. 

We look forward to working with interested learners. Together we can solve many of your difficulties and find answers to your questions so that your study and career prospects will be crowned with success.
